Engineering the Future
The Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering (PME) integrates science and engineering to address global challenges from the molecular level up.
We apply molecular-level science to the design of advanced devices, processes, and technologies. Organized by interdisciplinary research themes, we seek to develop solutions to important societal issues and to educate the next generation of leaders in the fast-growing field of molecular engineering.
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By the Numbers
Faculty at PME
patents held by faculty members
Science and engineering fields represented

Meet the Dean
Nadya Mason is the dean of the Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering (PME) at the University of Chicago.
Mason specializes in experimental studies of quantum materials, and is a member of the National Academy of Sciences. In addition to maintaining a rigorous research program and teaching, Mason works to increase inclusivity and improve communication in the physical sciences. She can be seen promoting science on local TV, at the Chicago Museum of Science and Industry, and in a TED talk on “Scientific Curiosity.”
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Our faculty and students have access to world-class, state-of-the-art facilities both on the University of Chicago campus and at Argonne National Laboratory.
PME also boasts several core facilities, including the Pritzker Nanofabrication Facility and the Soft Matter Characterization Facility, that provide specialized tools and equipment which individuals in academia, industry, and government can access to pursue cutting-edge research and make groundbreaking innovations.
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PME makes resources available to students, faculty, staff, and the community.
Use the links below to find materials you need, including safety information, logos and templates, as well as annual and quarterly reports.
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Contact Us
PME is headquartered in the William Eckhardt Research Center (ERC), 5640 S. Ellis Avenue, on the University's Hyde Park campus.
For questions about our PhD programs, please contact applypmephd@uchicago.edu
For questions about our Master of Engineering degree, please contact applypmemasters@uchicago.edu
For human resources and faculty affairs, including recruitment questions, please contact Santana Bradford.
For information about campus, maps, and getting to the University, visit the UChicago Visitor's Page.
For administration, visit our Staff Directory page.
For general questions about PME, please contact 773.834.2943.